See also "TEARDROP". No chips no brakes and no scratches. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like ANNOUNCING A RETIRED NAVY CAPTAIN ABOARD, REVEILLE, COLORS and more. 2) (Aviation) A measure of angle-off between ones aircraft and the opponent, or the amount of lead necessary to hit a crossing target. (3) Easy, as in a class where the prof grades gently. Control stations are located on the bridge, quarterdeck, and central station. Usually shouted as a warning. All styles include allowing squared or rounded gradual tapers in the back of the head. Foul Deck - A flight deck which is unsafe for landings. "Kate Smith". See also MSL. The light array consists of a red fast indication (an upward-pointing chevron) at the bottom of the array, a green slow indication (a downward-pointing chevron) at the top, and a yellow on-speed indication (a circle) in the center. A term indicating sublime indifference to someone elses plight.Dink - Spoken form of 'Delinquent In Qual, pronounced to rhyme with pink. Someone delinquent in PQS qualification points. Everyone is Rambo when they come back. Line (1) What mere mortals call rope, the sailor calls line. Small line is called by the number of threads its made up of (e.g. The bloated carcasses sometimes floated for quite some time, and were often seen by other ships. Dead Head The resistance of a magnetic compass to swinging back and forth excessively; a compass with insufficient deadhead will swing so much (due to normal movement of the ship or aircraft) that it is difficult to steer a course. Black-Hand Gang - See SNIPE. 0.7 Elder falwell The Rev. That may be changing somewhat in these politically correct times, but to Bowdlerize the sailors language represented here would be to deny its rich history. A mass spectrometer that samples the atmosphere on submarines. Box the Compass (1) To name all the points of the compass. Broke Dick Non-functional. They are typically system-specific, i.e. Often found in engineering spaces. See also SOFT DECK. REUNION 2010. Any participant (or an observer) may make the call. Brown-Bagger Married member of the crew. FUBAR - Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition. His minions direct the placement of aircraft on the deck, monitor the operation of catapults and arresting gear, and direct firefighting efforts if a crash occurs. Boondockers High-top (over the ankles) black shoes, worn as part of the working uniform. INT Spoken as "eye-en-tee." For general information about the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and its policy responsibilities: Tel: (212) 720-5000. The ball moves vertically on the Fresnel lens array as the aircraft moves up and down the glideslope; a high balli.e. Gethomeitis The tendency to ignore potentially significant problems when homeward bound. Fish Head - (RN) WAFU term for the rest of the RN surface crowd. Aka 'the poop', 'the gen' (USAF). A specially-qualified pilot who observes landing approaches aboard a carrier. Consists of a clear plastic hood and an air bottle, used to escape from smoke-filled spaces. MAD - (1) Magnetic Anomaly Detector; as in MAD boom, MAD bird. Men high on the royal and top gallant yards could hear the pipe under weather conditions that would cause the human voice to be inaudible or unintelligible. Some specific applications: (1) A process for cleaning water-sides of a boiler. Direct Fire Gunnery and fire control where the fall of shot can be directly observed by the firing unit. In third-world countries, only consumed by drunk sailors and Marines, due to questionable sanitation practices. Together. (2) (RCN) Punishment consisting of confinement to the ship, base, etc., or sailors under punishment (derived from the slang term jailbird.) (3) Generic, airplane. Any naval personnel are assumed to be 'on their chinstraps' at all times. A non-nuke. Now used to refer to facilitating something. ABC Atomic, Biological, Chemical. Big Chicken Dinner Bad Conduct Discharge. FTN Space (the) - An obscure, hard-to-get-to space, compartment, or void; used to hide from officers or chiefs. ALL REMAINING COINS ARE BEING SOLD ON EBAY. Aka 'Radioing in' a report. RM2 Leonard. (2) (USN) Banjo is also a nickname for the F-2 Banshee fighter. Bilge rat Someone who works in the engineering spaces. Yet another shipmate, Richard Higgins (SK1 81-85) has departed on Eternal Deployment. Hold Down - In ASW, to hold contact on a sub long enough to force it to surface due to battery exhaustion or lack of oxygen aboard. Gonzo Station - The rendezvous point for aircraft carrier battle groups off the Straits of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf. Romeo Corpen is the chosen course for underway replenishment. Aka 'angle deck', 'the angle.'. See also DIXIE CUP. (2) A rubber fuel bladder. Deadlight A glass window set in the deck or bulkhead. (3) (Aviation) A location on the aircraft's datum line, often used as a center point for dogfight radar scan modes, or when telling the RIO to get a lockup, goddammit!, or a radar mode which slaves the antenna scan to the aircraft boresight. (2) In the days of the straight-deck carriers, the barricade was a series of devices rigged during normal landing operations to prevent an aircraft which failed to trap from smashing into THE PACK, graduating from a low barrier which just engaged the landing gear, all the way to a device more similar to the contemporary one. elevators, ailerons, etc. Their unofficial motto is "We hide with pride." See BOOMER. (3) The bottom end of a spar or other object. Cluster Fuck An evolution remarkable for its significant lack of excellence. (2) Any propeller-driven aircraft. Like the mountains that bear its logo, Liberty University is a substantial presence. A sail which is being backed is said to be aback. A sailing ship which accidentally goes aback when tacking loses its momentum and is said to be in irons. A person is said to be all aback when he is confused or surprised. According to legend, some ships have had such spaces which do not show up on the official blueprints at all. Green Board An obsolete term used in submarines to indicate status of various hull openings, and therefore the ability of the boat to submerge safely. 6 D's - Deep Diving Death Defying (or Dealing) Denizens of the Deep. Cox - (UK) The Coxswain. They can usually be found cluttering up passageways or decks where real work is being done. while the pilot is pulling Gs. In more modern times, the conn refers to the submarines control center, an analogous compartment located within the pressure hull. Bulkheading - Loudly criticizing a fellow officer. Holystone An abrasive stone, used with water (and, originally, sand), to scrub a ships wooden decks. Light Off - Start. US . This would be done, for example, when two. Hashmarks (1) Chevrons or stripes worn on the sleeve to signify years of service. May be color-coded like the flight-deck jerseys. I didn't want to even bother going back to get it fixed so I just took it here for same-day service. Active Homing A homing (guidance) method where the missile provides its own signal (typically either radar or sonar) transmissions and homes in on the energy reflected off the target. Used to provide lineup cues for night landings. Incorporates hearing protection and impact protection. In NATO, the system is the Vulcan Phalanx. Also refers to sailing any ship from point A to point B for no particular reason. Dockyard Tour - (RN) An excuse to slide away early when at a fleet school. Below, the USS General J. C. Breckinridge, tied up at Keelung Harbor, circa 1968. "Poor Smitty bilged the quiz." Jetsam Objects thrown over the side to lighten ship. Hot, Straight, and Normal (Submarine) A report from the sonar operator that torpedoes just fired are running hot (proper ignition of the engine has occurred), straight (not malfunctioning and steering in a circular run), and normal (no unusual noise are being emitted). May also be used to lock the shaft. In-Flight Refueling Replenishing an aircrafts fuel supply in flight. Knuckle-dragger - Any sailor whose job requires more brawn than brains. Polite forms: 'brain fade', 'brain cramp'. Lifer (or Lifer Dog) A career member of the service, or one who has been in a long time. Jack - (1) (UK) General nickname for Royal Navy sailors. If the ball is lined up with the datum lights, the aircraft is correctly positioned on the glideslope. The altitude that really matters for safety of flight. "The Chief was dripping about the state of the world.". On behalf of the Commanding Officer, welcome to the only. Bolter - The go-around that occurs when the carrier plane's tailhook misses the wires. Because of its high pitch, it could be heard over the activities of the crew and bad weather. May be made for safety reasons, fuel shortage, or because an aircraft has met the kill criteria for the exercise. Horse-cock - Sandwich meat, usually served at MIDRATS or during relaxed states of GQ, made with mystery meat masquerading as bologna or other lunch meat. In field use (ashore), A-gear may be a device as simple as lengths of chain connected to a CROSS-DECK PENDANT (q.v. Holiday A "missed spot" in a paint job. Amateur Night The day after payday, when nothing seems to go right, especially shipboard evolutions. Any object, including people, which might be sucked into, and thereby damage, a jet engine. The time for it to be given is determined by the disbursing officer. Fancy Dinns (UK) Steak and wine night at sea. Polite form: "Adios, My Friend." Alert Five - Aircraft on five-minute alert. God Botherer - (RN) The chaplain. A type of KNUCKLE-DRAGGER. These lifejackets have an orange canvas cover which leaves nasty stains on white uniforms, even when not covered with grease or other crud. Derisive interpretations of the acronym include: 'Christ, It Won't Shoot', and 'Captain, It Won't Shoot,' due to common maintenance difficulties. Liberty Call The 1MC announcement at 1630 - only in port of course: Liberty call for the non-duty sections. The range and bearing to the closest point of another vessels passage, relative to your own. Make and Mend Originally, a half-day off from normal ships work to make and/or mend clothing. Careen To lay a ship on its side in shallow water or on the beach, generally to work on the hull. Visit and @LibertyCallDistilling. Liberty Call Distilling's two locations include its manufacturing distillery in Spring Valley and its Barrio Logan restaurant-distillery at 1985 National Avenue, open Monday through Saturday 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. and until 5 p.m. on Sundays. See also WHITEHAT. Usually followed by an order giving a course to steer. Goat Locker - Chiefs' Quarters and Mess. Condition 5 A material condition of readiness associated with peacetime inport status. Every ocean on the planet has a fleet of angry, bored Marines and sailors. The Side or Away Galley: Descends from the tradition of hoisting officers aboard ship in a chair. Cunt Cap Fore and aft or "garrison" cap, so named because the folds of material at the upper ridge of the cap vaguely resemble labia. Condition 3 - A material condition of readiness commonly associated with wartime steaming where some, usually half, of the ship's weapons are kept in a manned and ready status at all times. The derision arises from the lack of experience and naval knowledge of the typical graduate. See "6 D's". IMC - Instrument Meteorological Conditions. Fritz (US Army, Marines) Term for the modern Kevlar helmet worn by US forces, which bears a strong resemblance to the helmets worn by the German military during WW II. Also scran-bag (RN). If an aircraft breaks the hard deck, it is considered a safety-of-flight violation (a serious transgression). Across the board in every branch there are ranks earned through time in grade. Head Marine toilet. "President John F. Kennedy". This reduces the drag of the stopped propeller by a tremendous amount. OUR WEBSITE IS NOW FOR REFERENCE ONLY. a diver who wears the spherical metal helmet of a Navy diver). The name stems from the size and shape of the stones, which closely resembled bibles. A crew member on a submarine who does not work in the engineering spaces. Crab, crabfat - (RN) A member of the Royal Air Force. Get the best deals for us navy liberty cuffs at Gedunk Medal National Defense Service Medal. Ostensibly sailors would "sweep up" prior to departure in preparation for the following day. aka "Midbitch," "Midshitter," "Balls to Four," etc. Hooky - (RN) Leading rate. Similar to CANDYASS. Fart Sack Sleeping bag. EAB - Emergency Air Breathing mask. - per Mike Kipper Also seen as "snack hole.". The CDP is replaced periodically, depending on the number of times it has been engaged. These personnel operate and maintain the ship's auxiliary equipment (air conditioning systems, distilling units, air compressors, etc.). An admiral is the senior ranking flag officer in the US Navy, but his title comes from the name given the senior ranking officer in the Moorish army of many years ago. Hot Rack (or Rack) Sharing of beds due to a lack of living space aboard ship. So called from the fouled anchor rate badge. All in the same day. Bravo Zulu - Phonetic pronunciation of 'BZ' from the NATO signals codes. Related Media. Boards (1) (Aviation) Speed Brakes. (2) To face successively in all directions, as when a ship loses steerage and drifts aimlessly. DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY UNITED STATES NAVAL ACADEMY 121 BLAKE ROAD ANNAPOLIS MARYLAND 21402-1300 USNA INSTRUCTION 1050.lA USNAINST 1050.lA 28/Pers Off 26 Jan 2016 From: Superintendent, United States Naval Academy Subj: LEAVE AND LIBERTY FOR NAVY MILITARY PERSONNEL Ref: (a) MILPERSMAN 1050 (b) DOD Instruction 1327.06 (c) NAVADMIN 252/10 (d . Surface ships only. Hail and Farewell A party at which a soon-to-be-detached officer (the farewell) and his replacement (the hail) are feted. Improves the BOARDING RATE but costs at the GREENIE BOARD. Liberty Call teddies in the navy collection. The command needs to make sure that there are plenty of tourist options available. Also used to refer to any unwanted item. December 2007 Crew Journal of the Barque James Craig, CFAV QUEST General Information Brief 2010 Research Vessel Operator Committee Meeting, Commanding Officer, Naval Academy Preparatory School, Guided Deck Tour (Final V4).Pdf 1 4/2/18 1:11 PM, The Evolution of Decorative Work on English Men-Of-War from the 16, Have the Holiday You Have Always Dreamed Of, STEP 27: Compass and Quarterdeck Galleries STEP 28: Companionway, 1MC Announcements for Evolutions As Remembered by Various Shipmates & Compiled by the Collett Association Historian in Nov 2014, Midshipmen and Quarterdeck Boys in the Royal Navy, 1793-1815 Samantha A, Fitting-Out and Rigging a 74-Gun Model Ship, Nlcc Able Cadet Part Ii Lesson 1 Questions Navy Traditions and Heroes the Beginning, Regular Checks of Hawsers on Viking Rosella, Leadership and Authority in Herman Melville. Hotel Services Power, water, and steam used for cooking, heating, laundry, or other non-engineering or non-propulsion purposes. Log in. Today, it simply means its time for a sailor to get out of his or her bunk, making sure it is shipshape. Take that, stupid seniors. Bearing Drift The movement, left or right, of the bearing to an object in motion relative to your platform. Prevo was referring to blue light emergency call boxes . Before the advent of the stick, the man using the stone would kneel as if in prayer, aiding in the development of the nickname. As premiere distillers, Liberty Call Distilling is master crafting spirits locally using quality ingredients . Sailors would `` sweep up '' prior to departure in preparation for the F-2 Banshee fighter by other ships off. Shortage, or because an aircraft has met the kill criteria for the of. Usually followed by an order giving a course to steer ( USAF ) romeo is! A diver who wears the spherical metal helmet of a clear plastic hood and air. A Navy diver ) polite form: `` Adios, My Friend., welcome to the submarines control,! 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Whatever Happened To Susan Dey From The Partridge Family, Articles N