smartest to dumbest personality types

My family is comprised of the N-J types. They can assimilate information but are imaginative idealists guided by their core values and beliefs. And to yet another it may be impersonal. They are tolerant and nonjudgmental and commonly found in healthcare careers. Go on, I dare you. However I feel they have to strong a need to be adored almost always to really be analytical in anything. 8. MBTI Personality Types As mentioned earlier, there are 16 types that is categorized by the MBTI determined by 4 dimensions as mentioned below: Introversion vs. Extraversion (I/E) This function indicates the source and energy of a person's energy expression. And I'm tired of seeing the countless sheep all say the exact same stuff about all MBTI types being the same intelligence and yadda yadda yadda. I think real logical high intelligence correlates best with xxTP types. Surprisingly, most ENTJs score pretty high on this as well, so I think any intuitive extrovert who does not struggle with autism would probably score somewhere between average and high on EQ. Speaking from my own life experience, I have seen rationals being by far the most intelligent of all other types since primary school to the world of work.I am 23 now.Rationals being ENTP, INTJ, ENTJ and INTP.The category of intelligence I am considering here is logical and mathematical intelligence which is often what is generalized as intelligence by the public(and the most huge component of typical IQ tests).Rationals have an exceptional ability to fully understand complex abstract phenomena and align it with reality-in the case of Judging rationals i.e. They commonly work in religion, teaching, and the arts. INTPs are philosophical innovators fascinated by logical analysis, systems, and universal theory. "ISTPs learn through working with their hands," she explains. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. If you think this article is wrong: either live your intelligence on your own or make your own article with your personality type ranked first. Those aren't the main problems, though. They are not thick in anyway and are actually smart and sensible people academically. Man everyone can draw a fake chart in Excel and then post it. The INTx types are most often listed as the smartest. E's derive their energy from I's. System engineer | | The funny thing is, my conclusions are in no way a result of the MBTI. Fi is a very illogical function and values are against intelligence. The concept of "political correctness" is a fundamentally flawed concept as it is reliant on the general ideas that the opinions of white heterosexual cisgender abled men are normal and all other people's views are "political". The distinction lies within that "Feeling" is the evaluation of ethics (whether focused on the object or subject), and "Thinking" is the evaluation of logical systems. HA! It is also true however, that some types may tend to have different kinds of intelligence than others, which is why some may be viewed as superior. - ENTP/ENFP: Most Big Picture Smart (By far the quickest to pick up on new ideas, hidden meaning, and whats actually going on in a situation. In the same way, INTJs use intuition to plan, act, make themselves certain of their judgments. - ISFP/INFP: Most self aware..enouhh said Personality types don't exactly judge intelligence (despite what I said above) but how a person solves a problem and what problems the person is most likely to solve. The N's invent, innovate and build. This article is conception of the idea, you then have the planning of how to implement the idea, the actual implementation of the idea, and the reading of the data. INTJs are logical; INTPs are theoretical. These series lost their leads, sometimes abruptly, but still continued on. ESFP (extrovert, sensing, feeling, perceiving) and ESFJ (extrovert, sensing, feeling, judging) types are statistically the happiest. Bias is inevitable in the modern world. But all humans are different, so if you are esfj or not Intp/intj/entp/entj you are not worst off than us, just different and good in places we are not like public speaking/making friends. You would have to look into the individual functions (Ni, Ne, Fi, Fe, Ti, Te, Si, Se, etc.) Yes, you don't use socionics, yes you haven't used any data, but I still don't see why people hate this article so much. 14. So the short version of this comment is that INFJ ought to rank as a tie for #1 along with INTJ. INTP (Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Perceiving) was Albert Einsteins personality type. Some people call it complexity science. So much for the poor research. 13 Signs The Relationship Is Over For Him, 109 Best Appreciation Messages To Show Gratitude, The Ultimate Love List: 365 Reasons Why I Love You, 11 Effective Exercises For Letting Go Of Resentment, Letter to Your Daughter: 13 Heartfelt Sentiments to Consider, 13 Best Ways To Deal With A Disrespectful Grown Child, 147 Powerful Morning Affirmations To Start Your Day. 15. Rarely, if ever, is this possible. One of the most vocal people in my Colloquy group is an ISTJ. I actually have two friends who are each other's best friends, and INTJ and an INFJ. It follows the same pattern I am already talking about. As an INTJ I have an incredibly difficult time doing the motivation myself, but I often understand the reasons why my ENFJ brother does things better than he does. Logical and Interpersonal were the lowest. Now for my two cents: in contrast to traditional "intelligence", I see propensities for consistency as alternate forms of intelligence. ENTP: Loss of respect for mankind in favor of the superiority of machines and technology. Those with who can find a balance between their logical and emotional reasoning when they make decisions are capable of solving a puzzle that many on either edge don't know how to attack. The smartest is INTP then INTJ and I don't know the order of the rest. I think that's a certain type of intelligence that while I lack in and might appreciate it less (as I enjoy thinking about things deeply), I can also find it very hard to not be jealous of such an ability to immediately use the information given to you and act based on it. This accords us a greater degree of control and conspicuity. In other words, you could have a low IQ man being "T" and high IQ being either P or S or whatever. they dont specifically state that the most "intelligent" is the intj (multiple were included in this article). Regardless, either can be smarter, and in most cases, INTPs are the most likely to have the highest IQ, according to non-proven but some of the closest to accurate statistics. The same as Enf can be on par with Int. I will point out that S types are probably more likely to succeed at an average intelligence or lower, around less than genius range at least, because they take better care of themselves, thus allowing them to be more physically stable, whereas the N types get caried away with dreams if they aren't intelligent enough to be as realistic as S types. You will notice that all Ns have intuition first or second. ENTP are one of the most imaginative and creative and at the same time one of the most rational, INTP are the most logical mbti type , and INTJ are very imaginative second most logical and have great analytical skill. But for the purposes of this article we are going to measure smart as the influence one has over others and society. Cognitive functions reinforce what I am saying. -from the enfj who apparently has a high iq, whatever that means. They have no time for analysing whatsoever, they are fashionable and fun and like to party but cannot for the life of them work anything out. I wonder if NFs would come up on top in a study that involves EQ. Can an intelligent person pretend to be unintelligent? The primary intuitive focus we use aids in that as it helps us to see through all the details to the big picture (which in turn leads to greater foresight among NF's and NT's because when tend to see themes among things more easily than S's). Arguably, complete anarchy would be terrible for the middling masses (mostly SJ's) who dislike the idea of any job that does not involve a 9-5 job with a 2 week paid vacation, a nuclear family and a lack of questioning. My INTJ husband would probably see an INTP's as less capable, so I'm excited to share these theories with him :). Einstein is a clear case of the INTP style, and whats more extraordinary is that he's lived and transitioned into the lifestyle of an INTJ. This is awesome, thank you. A problem I see here is that you're relying solely on your intuitions here but not actually paying any attention to the actual facts. What we actually have here are tentative, mild correlations between "intelligence" (the measurement of which via IQ being itself loaded with problems) and a certain facet of personality, which is again only moderately correlated to one or two factors of the largely pseudoscientific MBTI. Yes, we could. It is easy to see why the demeanor of an I appears more intelligent than that of an E, but when it comes down to actual ability to understand complex ideas, I think I/E goes out the window. The author's assertions are highly suppositious. | sleekoduck, How Special is Your Snowflake 2.0 | Welcome to PsychoBabble4U, How Far Ahead In Time Can A Lucid Dreamer Really Go? Please incorporate socionics. This isn't an in depth study. Someone has been keeping track and produced some graphs. Yes, some of the greatest companies nowadays could have been made by INTP's, therefore having a great idea behind it, innovative products and all the stuff, but it is the ESFJ's that actually keep the company afloat. So in order of importance for intelligence I would rank these as follows: I would weigh whether or not somebody is an S or an N as being the most important part of influence. Most lists I've seen have been very similar to yours, even to the point of giving a P a slight edge, but I don't know. The chart floating around on the internet is meant to make those differences appear magnified. INTJs can be dumb , too, and they have their own problems trying to succeed. Why don't we talk environment? Quinton, I respect your opinions on a lot of things but all of this MBTI dominance shit is just fucking crazy. He dwelled in both camps, one where ideas abound and the other where they are strung together with mathematical precision. ESTPs are energetic thrill seekers with a good sense of humor. But we can put the two together if you like. From Myers-Briggs 16 personality types to the 9 Intelligence types identified by Howard Gardner, it has become apparent that overall intelligence combines traits and experiences. Reasoning traits, in my opinion, are a higher end form of intelligence than emotion and therefore more akin towards being influential. An hour of reading should bring you to the conclusion that you are heavily under-analyzing this topic because the theory goes much deeper than your current understanding of it. And another one that is Istp. According to data from Ball State, these types make great pilots, landscape architects, systems analysts, and engineers, speaking to their can-do attitudes and innovative mindsets. But this article isn't written for them. I always struggle to keep up with his thought pattern and it diminishes our conversations. How do you define organization? Wow - you people really believe this stuff? ENFPs have a tendency to talk about themselves a lot and they're not great listeners. PS - you do realize that often one question separates an n type from an s type. Also the most creative/inventive Tied with Ni doms as quickest to find patterns) I want to see how many people you recruited to conduct this study and the results of your data analysis. Understanding math is a piece of cake comparing to understand emotions. They seemed to be some Great Other who took classes I had no interest in at school. And finally, ENTP's, who arent as logical or as intelligent, but definitely have better people skills and are better for making and connecting disparate ideas. I know an ESTJ with a phenomenal ability to implement things and take control of a situation when I'm still lost in thought of what I'm supposed to do. 1. I was once a Pantheists until I couldn't understand how something could be infinite, without infinitessence, and so the infancy of my intimacy with infiniticy, infinitively vanished. These individuals are logical and analytical, and they have a strong sense of duty. Look at all these ridiculously insecure "intuitives" who are desperately attempting to find meaning from some "theory" invented by a crackpot and butchered by two untrained housewives decades ago, without giving a second thought to the idea that maybe it's all bullshit. To another it may be interpersonal. If you really want to know which one is smarter from an IQ metric you can just run a bunch of tests and crunch the results. By the way, if this doesnt convince you, maybe this will. It's all a bunch of garbage, and I frankly pity you idiots for taking it (and yourselves) so seriously. They are not very good with analytical matters but they have a good idea on what to do in most circumstances. 6. A P type may be more creative. Often we'll question it if this isn't the case. INTJ score high because of the J part. I studied actuarial science in university which is a pretty tough discipline.We did all kinds of mathematics(both abstract courses and more realistic courses) and a few programming courses.All the time rationals came top of my class.If I would order them ENTPs seemed to be top of all, followed by INTJ then ENTJ and lastly INTP.Of course this order could be biased as you know INTPs are slackers/lazy but could be in fact be most intelligent of all if they put equal effort with other rationals.In fact I had an INTP friend that ended up dropping out not because he was not smart but he got distracted and fell in love with politics. Not to argue or anything, but intuitives who believe in the possibilities of paranormal activity, psychics, etc, are probably smarter than those who don't because they can see how their perception of the world is only limited to what they can actually perceive instead of what there actually is. Intelligence alone won't get you nearly as far as you think. var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); And for the record on the NEO-PI-R Big Five test, I also score very high in openness, again demonstrating how the correlation is far from perfect. This is the main reason that he takes the bottom place as he simply doesn't have the life experience to really have the knowledge and intelligence needed to be involved in this world. He could run circles around others without breaking a sweat. The Dunning-Kruger effect is a type of cognitive bias in which people believe they are smarter and more capable than they are. There is a lot more than just the four dichotomies going on. In our case it's pretty clear that the INTJ is the smartest. Only because Since intelligence is very subjective I think it can't be quantified. Myself, virgin, 27 years old, I (90%) N(100%), T(80%), J(60%). They just want security. Quinton, why is it that you completely avoid developing your knowledge of cognitive functions? The Top 8 Smartest Personality Types #1 Smartest Personality Type-INTJ #2 Smartest Personality Type-INTP #3 Smartest Personality Type-ENFJ #4 Smartest Personality Type-ESTJ #5 Smartest Personality Type-ENTJ #6 Smartest Personality Type-INFJ #7 Smartest Personality Type-ISTP #8 Smartest Personality Type-ENFP If you want to base it on logical and analytical ability, then it's probably the INTP, yet they have a tendency to be exceedingly lazy. These people often have high logical-mathematical intelligence and are good with logical reasoning and analysis. These personality traits, introvert, intuitive, and thinking, tend to excel in areas that define intelligence or aspects measured by traditional IQ tests: abstract conceptual logic and problem-solving. I don't think INTJ's have trouble understanding what motivates people at all. Why don't we talk experience? is part of the Meredith Health Group. Also, the chart you gave could mean two things: 1. These strong and weak functions make these types rather academic, there isn't much application of their intelligence in the real world. Yes, I may not agree with you on some points, but I haven't done a study either, so I can't say you are wrong. My original problem was confronted by the same exact problem, thereby leading me within a third logical concept, that would ultimately burn out by the realization of everything resulting in an opposing perspective. (Correlation does not imply causation). If that's true, then you are correct in that you list N's as more intelligent than S's, and I's as more intelligent than E's. INFP Which MBTI is the smartest? - ESFP/ESTP: Most aware of their enviornment, as well as how far they can push their limits. document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', function() { Please read more about Jung cognitive functions and how Meyers & Briggs created types by combining them. So I think many INF, can adjust them to be ENF, ESF, ENT, EST, INT, IST, ISF when facing different situations. To stretch your thinking a bit about what it means to be intelligent, I refer you to Howard Gardner's excellent work on the different types of intelligence. This comes down to the task at hand. How would you objectively rate intelligence? Could we talk about those? Series lost their leads, sometimes abruptly, but still continued on push their limits those differences appear.! Re not great listeners intelligence in the real world a result of the MBTI of.! 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