if you surrender a pet can you adopt again

Sadly, there arent enough foster homes to save every animal and those faces haunt my dreams, actually they haunt ALL rescuers dreams. I would never give up one of my dogs to these people, they find love, security and socialization at my house. A national list would be helpful, but it may be difficult for people to agree on what is legitimate and what is not. If they did it once they will do it again! We loved her every second we had her. If it hadnt been for the bowel obstruction and the huge expenses the whole thing would have been, we never would have made the decision we made. Its a case by case thing. It just breaks my heart for these animals! Making the decision to have a pet means a responsibility that last many years. You are all heartless. Should I be refused to adopt a dog in the future? Certainly less would die every year. These babies are forever, not just until something in yoiur life changes!!! 2 weeks later my older daughter (8 years old) was yelling at my youngest (4) and walked away stomping her feet. Make sure surrendering your pet at this time is your final decision. A fee of $20 is charged for surrendering a pet, and $40 is charged for surrendering a litter of two or more. I agree with you, Michael. i turned him into out local shelter who said they knew of a person who wanted a protection dog. Would you rather people dump them in the country or leave them to starve in a backyard. Yes they should be put on a(No Adopt List). the shepard mix i owned was very protective and only liked 3 people. There are literally hundreds of no kill shelters available to people if they only take the time and effort to find them. If there is no other option available to you but giving up legal rights to your pet, the Pet . That being said, if they give them up to a Kill Shelter, they should NOT be allowed to adopt. 10 years?) I dont care what excuse is given, except maybe illness or death, NOBODY SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO EVER HAVE ANOTHER ANIMAL EVER AGAIN, AS who knows, they may have a great life today, but what about tomorrow, and how important a member of the family is to them. Thanks for listening Artfloozy. Because people change it would be awful to punish someone for life, i adopted a puppy and two cats from the shelter and i think it is awful when people dont want there pets anymore, better the shelter than the street though. There are so many variables here. Theyre clearly not capable of caring for a pet. Your dog would have preferred living in a car with you. If we could donate time and money to our local shelters then we can enact positive change. I have adopted a dog and unfortunately had to give them up because I was not, could not, be the best caregiver for that dog. Your email address will not be published. They should be put on a national Do Not Adopt To list. I know in the future when I CAN care for an animal to my best potential I WANT to adopt. he attacked my neighbors kid & ripped open his ankle, he snapped & bit my son twice & he killed my cats kitten & he would attack any dog that got near him.. No. On the flip side, a lady applied to adopt from a rescue Im affiliated withnot knowing that I worked at the city shelter when she had surrendered her two senior cats several years before, because her husband said she had to get rid of them. Please lets start doing something so that animals are given to families that will keep them forever!!!! People need to realize that BEFORE getting the cute kitten or puppy. They rarely get the chance to get out alive and live their last days stressed, lonely before dying in a horrible way? But, I would much rather someone who cannot properly care for their beloved pet surrender them to a responsible shelter then leave them on a road somewhere or give them to someone who will not love and care for them. There should MOST DEFINITELY be a national registry database that requires all adopters to register online using a license or legal I.D. But I do think returns should be recorded and filed nationally. If you are not ready or unsure, then move on! They would be at least in their mid thirties. If you are going to do this take them to a No Kill Shelter there is at least one in every city. Not everyone is meant to be a parent and not everyone should be allowed to own pets. There are so many alternatives and help available now. If adopters who surrender to legitimate organizations are penalized then they will just use other avenues, such as abandoning the animal, claiming it was a stray, or giving it away for free to any scumbag. I do know that a very small number of people cannot keep their dogs BUT they are the minority. BUT, there are extenuating circumstances at times in peoples lives..and I think based on just THIS story we are all judging these people. I was one of those judgemental people until it happened to me. Surrendering often happens when an animal is too much work, or they dont value the creature enough to keep it. They obviously dont have the patience, means, commitment or heart it takes to have a dog in their life. You see, she was a senior, and no one wanted an older dog. The dog is GOD spelled backwards.the dog is the most trusting innocent living breathing animal.as are all animals that depend on us for love and care! But there are just some circumstances that just cant be helped: deployment, loss of job, deportation, couple breaks up, not educated enough about owning a dog, etc. I do not think people should be allowed to adopt again if they surrender their animals to a shelter! And the reported misdemeanours of your always spoiled & loved dog (although you actually referred to him more often as a dog instead of my dog: smells like a Freudian slip, interesting too) simultaneously went from No, they should not be able to adopt again. So one cannot make a judgement just because they are giving dog to shelter, I think that yes there should be some regulation, and a big roster with all the info; when, why, who, and maybe even the emotional state of the owners at the time of giving up the animal. You must have an appointment to surrender your pet. So sad to give your animal away to be killed. That to me is unacceptable. When you get a dog or cat they become family. I just wonder how can they sleep at night. A person who gives up their dog or cat should not be able to adopt again because they will only do it again when the animal becomes too much work for them. Very bad weather was approaching so I moved the cat inside into a spare bedroom. So many pets are dumped to be euthanized for flimsy reasons such as I cannot afford to have his broken leg set, I cannot afford to have her tumour removed, he/she is old and we want a new puppy. I would no more bring my dogs and cat to a shelter than I would have my children. Not all people that do that have malice in their heart and they may really in truly love their animals. If you are looking for a pet, Petco works with reputable breeders and animal rescue organizations to help bring pets in need of homes to their stores, so it is a great option for those looking to rescue or adopt a pet. NYC ACC kill dogs every day. Surrender fee: $150. Too many lame excuses. Perhaps we should ask the vermin dumping their Dogs at a kill shelter to add their kids too. Its called the pound, not the shelter. Absolutely not. In most cases, surrendering your beloved animal companion is a last resort and is a difficult and emotional experience for you and your pet. I guess in that vain of thought. Id hope someone would forget or decide not to bother after a 5yr and a 10 yr ban. A CVI can be done at your vet clinic before surrendering your pet. I completely agree. This is an easy NO for most and a maybe for a couple situations. Caring for your animal costs more money than is received in adoption fees. Conclusion. Surrendering a dog is better than dumping it off in the country. 2. The humane society suggested to me to get him a companion dog, so I did. No I feel they should not be aloud to adopt again even though there were extended circumstances as for the lady who after all the love. I just thought the 1st comment didnt work. NO WAY SHOULD THEY BE ALLOWED TO ADOPT AGAIN. I am so grateful to the God and vet. I live in a 4 season state and there were cases of animals that were dumped in rural areas and left to freeze to death, think that would be much worse than turning a dog in if the owner was not going to keep the dog either way. I made arrangements for him to bring her to a no-kill shelter the next day. Yes, most people in these situations would likely at least try non-kill shelter options first but, what if they cant find a solution that way. I was on a thread the other night and we were talking about exactly this. Why not says HSUS, ASPCA and PetSmart Charities . A lack of commitment to a pretty dies not a suitable future adopter make. In Florids we have hurricanes and Anyone could become homeless at any moment and have to stay at a relative or friends home perhaps dog could not stay there and owner would have to take him to a No kill shelter and hope that he would get a good home. However, generally when a person gives away his/her animal, such person has no further rights to that animal so it is typically up to the animal's new owner to decide whether or not to return an animal or to . Never allowed again! A RESOUNDING NO TO ANYONE WHO DUMPS BEING ALLOWED TO ADOPT OR FOSTER A PET AGAIN EVER. We have no money. NO ONE who gives away a healthy, loving animal should be allowed to adopt a newer model!!!! Adopting an animal is not a temporary thing but a lifetime commitment. People who dont take responsibility, should not have the opportunity to do this act of cruelty twice. My first inclination is to say no but it isnt always black & white. 3-Anyone who is caught surrendering just to get rid of a sick or elderly animal or animal that is seized or any other reason that seems the animal is too much trouble or we cant take it with us then those people will have the no adoption restrictions. No.must sign a paper stating they will keep the dogits a trust comittmentdo not go back on your word. A protective dog is great! Many rescues/shelters will not return an animal to a person who surrendered the animal (with some exceptions) in part out of concern that whatever caused a person to surrender the animal could happen again. They can never adopt again! Landlords, required moves, developed allergies, finances, time requirement changes, no space, other health issues, and on and on. Worse still is the person who says I cannot be bothered to look after him/her any longer We need to fix the underlying problem first, too many companion animals, not enough homes. My dog is 13. I am in a better place finanically, and recently became an owner of a dog I was fostering, and I go above and beyond for him every day I shouldnt have been punished and not allowed to keep this dog just because of the problems with Jackson. I think if they surrender their dog then it should go state wide or farther that they cant adopt any more pets. I live on a farm a deal with a dozen cats and 2 to 3 dogs a year. If they gave it up before who can say that they would not do it again! I simply could not deal with him being fostered out so I brought him home. The first 3 all lived to be about 20 yrs old and died with me by their side ( my husband worked away from home, but is now retired). If it was your child would you turn it in? They left her after using her to breed puppies. Oh and by the way, is everyone that is so staunch about never adopting an animal again also equally against ABORTION? When we walked her and there was someone coming in the opposite direction, we crossed the street because she attacked that person or dog (but never a cat go figure). I agree with you ladies and gentlemen up there at top, but what about those who have not been able to keep their homes or apartments? My husband and I have had many dogs during out lives, some rescues and some from puppies all with different issues or not. Maybe under extreme circumstances they lose their job and have children to feed. I also have a cat that has to live in my garage and roam around the neighborhood it was dumped at my house I have had it neutered brought it today on shots microchip and flea treated. The reason there is so many dogs and cats is because people never get their pets fixed. More and more pet stores are getting on board with adoption programs too, inviting rescues in to do adoption events, because they realize it may bring in more income for their store and promote the store management as actually caring about animal welfare. He is one of the people that should be allowed to adopt after surrendering a dog, but it all depends on the circumstances. If the need to surrender an animal is urgent (i.e.. moving, eviction, etc.) We do not have a vet clinic on site and cannot provide . ANYONE who has touched a hair on any animal, should be banned forever from having Pets. For ME personally, I would go to every effort to find somewhere for my dog. So, all of you who say not only no, but hell no. I worked on socialization and simple training, but was not able to find a new home. I figured the Humane Society would have a better chance of finding a new home for her than I could. I think all pet owners should have a plan (in writing such as a living will) in order for when they are no longer able/capable to care for their pet due to illness/death, etc. Never knowing if their dog was killed or adopted. There needs to be a national DO NOT ADOPT list for every state. Its like using abortion as a form of birth control. A dog only wants to love you and in return be loved. Then what do you do if you try to find that cat or dog a new home and you are unable to do so? We need to update our laws and policies to reflect our evolving understanding of our relationship with animals. To make a long store short we were told buy the rescue to RE HOMED the dog with the help of the rescue we got him from and we made sure that the people that adopted him new of this aggression and met the dog and said they were ok with it so they took the dog and guess what , it happen to them . Most of us, (thankfully) have never been in a truly desperate situation. How many elderly people could use a companion, but cant afford one? If the 60-day return policy has expired, you will not receive a gift card. These people do NOT deserve to adopt again, as I am sure they will surrender again I know there may be some special cases.No, i take that back. Animals depend on us for love, shelter, protection and food. And to make matters worse, the escape artistry was increasing. I believe that your situation was a little different since the cat was not technically yours you did a good deed by taking the cat in. And if the owners were there surrendering their dogs, I think they should have euthanized them at the same time. Appointments can be made by calling staff at 336-641-3414. If you aren't sure we are the right PAWS organization . Surrendering. Surrender Your Pet The vast majority of the pets at our humane center are ones we have transferred into our care from government shelters where those animals' lives were at risk. Surrender twice, 10 year ban. It was either that or they wouldnt do the surgery. No. No but it is better than dumping, starving or Craigslist. To me that is the same as animas cruelty. Do they give the dog back they should be banned from adoption. There are times that circumstances dictate that animals must be relocated to another homes. Just take the dog and put them on a DNA list. He became aggressive for no apparent reason. To me, they at least deserve someone to mourn their death. But all of that is irrelevant if you've already taken the plunge and adopted without fully. No. If your pet was adopted from Heartland Animal Shelter: I do believe that these should NEVER be allowed to adopt again. Or people may lie to stay off the list. Having surrendered many years ago and not lying on my applications, I was not approved. Orange County residents can surrender their owned pet at the facility with an appointment. Each one has taught me different things, and Ive adored each one for their own special traits, personalities, and the unconditional love they show everyday. Hell no! Life is about love, learning, and things that make you happy. A dog is not a part time toy,mits part of your home and part of your life, you would not take you Kiddy to a Shelter, so why take your Dog, if you are poor and I have been , you can still find enought to feed your Dog, I did, Appointments will be scheduled once the pets Personality Profile has been reviewed. I will always get a pet from a shelter from now on because the personality of the pet shows in that they are happy to have a home. You surrender 2 pets ever in a lifetime (at different occurrences), no adoption allowed EVER againyes, ever again. 3599 NW 79th Ave. Doral, FL 33122. Copyright 2022 Dogington Post. I see them as one of my children and I wouldnt think of giving my kids up because I did not want them anymore. Some common reasons why pet owners surrender a pet: Loss of income Can't have the pet in a rental property Major residential move Serious illness Divorce Can't afford pet's medical expenses Behavior problems with the pet, like aggression or fear Too many pets at home Birth of a child Recent incident with the pet, like a bite or attack If the animal you surrender meets our criteria, it will be placed up for adoption and there is no time limit. As compassionate rescuers and animal-loving people, it's important not shame people for surrendering their pets. Voicemails and emails are checked periodically throughout the day, even when the Shelter is closed. Think about it: where do you suppose all these people got their dogs in the first place? Vicious with my daughter and one day he bit her in the face n because I surrender him no one wont let me adopt again n I feel its on fair. Do you think that someone who dumps an animal at a shelter should be able to one day adopt again? I just couldnt trust him after that. Behavior issues Can't afford care Maybe education is a better answer requiring folks to attend a 2 or 4 hour course or something before adopting. I have been the shelter shepherd for a non-profit, no-kill sanctuary for 10 years. So they can get tired of another innocent animal and yet another animal is murdered?! How horrible is that? These irresponsible pet owners make me sick. When he came to me, life was made complete. But as far as a person just getting rid of an old dog because they dont want the hassle anymore or so they can get a puppy, no. There are so many pros and cons and a lot of it depends on the honesty of others which isnt always present. I think if you couldnt handle or didnt want the first pet you shouldnt ever be allowed to adopt more. Id want to leave a little bit of leeway. If you were, you might be surprised to know what you are capable of doing. Unfortunately bad times hit folks and if no harm is done and people take every measure to ensure the animals well being, then yes, they should be given a second chance when they recover. She was with us for six years. Give em a break for heavens sake. Ive been involved in rescue since 2001 and during that time, annual estimates of dogs killed by shelters in the US has dropped from 12 million to currently 3 to 4 million. It is strange that someone who no longer could keep a dog would stand in line to kill it. If you have ANY DOUBTS about surrendering your pet (s) to us, PLEASE DO NOT DO SO!. Then a resounding no, with placement on a nationwide list of do not adopt forever. Youre going to tell a returning vet, or the family that got it together and got of the street and can feed themselves again; that theyre not worthy of the love of a dog? We read about all the dogs that are abandoned and left to fend for themselves, these owners were willing to stand in line and wait to see that thier dog was in a safe situation before they left. No they should not be allowed to adopt again, and yes their names should be added to a registry. There are so many dogs that will never get adopted because of all the requirements to adopt. For people who cannot afford vet care for elderly pets, there needs to be some helpalthough if I were in that situation, I would have my friend put down while I held them and loved them, rather than leaving them to die in a pound with strangers. 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