eu4 how to beat ottomans late game

The Ottomans tend to be hard to beat around the mid game, when they build up their Jannisaries (sp?) If you share borders, build some forts and have some battles with -1/-2 modifiers. I might be able to get France on my side too. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Aside from forcing the Russians to take a long way around, your imperial heart will be safe, which works miracles for your prosperity. As any war would just be you and them vs the Ottoman. It's a bit cheesy though. You can also take some holdings on the Arabian peninsula to make future conquest easier. This war can be tricky since Hungary could have a high discipline. I'd recommend not getting too much warscore. You can trap their navies and force them out to reduce their naval strength, but thats completely optional. Early game there's always the classic no-CB DOW Byzantium strategy, which screws kebab over pretty hard. They dont grant permanent claims, so only do them when youre ready to attack Hungary once more. Thing is, I don't think there is an easy fix to this because, as I said, optimal play happenes as a consequence of how the game is designed. Rinse and repeat to make them a non-factor eventually. They will then continually build more troops there for you to destroy. I wasn't attacked even once during my sieges and once I scored 100% I liberated some countries and absorbed enough provinces to get me to around 100% over extension. Going to war with them when they are in another big-ish war on another front helps a lot. But it is what it is and it's still a great grand operational war game in my view. When you fight with the Mamluks, make sure to expand into Saudi Arabia, towards Medina and Yemen. You should aim to eradicate them by 1550. Oh Hungary, you and your developed land filled with claims which just so, unfortunately, sit right next to me. No you're not. Late mid-game and late game their troops have become much worse though, and if you play western tech you can usually crush significantly larger Ottoman armies in that period. Punch Syria out of them if you can. Occupy all provinces except one. If Byzantium was at war with the Ottomans, you now become the war leader and can call in all of your strong allies (e.g. You have expanded into what is fairly worthless, empty, lands on the steppes, whereas the Ottomans have most likely expanded into the rich cities of Anatolia and Egypt. Upgrade your centers of trade to turn Constantinople into a powerful trade node while developing your centers of trade. . How else am I supposed to stop them if I can't use military force? Prussia and Commonwealth are capable of wiping out numerically superior Ottoman armies. Unfortunately not everyone is able to buy all of them. When dealing with a large nation, core conquest is a very viable tactic. After the war ends they will quickly self- destruct through rebellions and other nations invading. I control most of Northern Africa and Central Europe. If you have questions do please leave them below and I will answer any and all that I'm able to! THIS CAMPAIGN IS BEST VIEWED THROUGH THE PLAYLIST! You can do so by going to the diplomatic interaction screen, selecting diplomatic feedback and toggling join offensive wars off. Alternatively, you may be able to ally with Russia. Make sure to at least take Pest for the. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Then, take 100% worth of war score demands on top of those rebel enforcements, including annulling their treaties. 43.9K subscribers Let's play Europa Universalis IV (EU4) as the Ottomans! If you annex them, you can no longer get the -10% Aggressive Expansion bonus. Continue building up your army as the force limit grows, but beware of your dependence on janissaries. I always have this anxiety about attacking them; even though they fold like paper tigers every time. Make sure you are stable both in terms of unrest and economy and move your armies to Morocco. The Caucasus mountains provide a valuable defense. Ottomans should get . Numbers don't mean a whole lot when you can't fight quality+co and offensive for a +15% discipline is good (discipline boost tactics too, so its very good). You can beat them as an immediate neighbor or as someone who doesn't border them for centuries. . Anyone who dislikes Spain is your friend, in this case. The better player you are, the more attention you pay to all of this aspects. It just depends on actually winning the first war. FML. Ally a powerful nation nearby, such as Great Britain or Scandinavia, and snake your way to Paris from a coastal province. If you're a relatively powerful nation like PLC, Hungary, Austria, castille, etc, you can just straight up declare war and beat them before they get big. Best advice for beating ottomans is simply stop being intimidated by their numbers and fight them. Stack up on military ideas and policies (for example quality + religious gives extra morale and siege ability) so despite my lower army size they are vastly superior in quality. We need at least one province deep Persian territory . You can take small coastal ports when you peace out their allies to gain an early foothold. And actually, 173k is quite a lot for AI Ottomans in 1609, I think. Focus on taking away their economic base. Those penalties are insignificant compared to being able to remove them quickly. Normally it's about 100-120k? This will also split up their empire in two, which will weaken them considerably. Quite manageable. Play Burgundy for example and it's all going to be right there in one region. Basically, you get some strong allies for yourself. Moscow is a tougher nut to crack focus on core conquest to make your way into Russia and take the city. Before declaring war, see if there are any vassals you can annex. Ifni is a very poor province, so it doesnt cost much to take. Don't just make it all Light Ships. You need to provide at least cursory information about your situation if you want help. After you dealt with the Mamluks, youre the only Great Power left in Arabia. If you annex them, you can no longer get the -10% Aggressive Expansion bonus. Really, it's all about planning your idea groups to maximize the quality of your army. If you don't have either of these or any dlc, don't worry about religion). Early to Mid-game, wait for them to go to ear with Mamluks - this typically exhausts their manpower and gives some time to move in and siege up territory before they can move their armies back from Egypt. That and Quality should give you some pretty good troops. I just needed to buy enough time to take Tunis/Crete out of the equation. They have claims on the provinces, which means that if they get the siege, you wont be able to take it in the peace deal. This part of the guide may look completely different from mine. If they also lag in mil tech you've got 'em on the ropes. Continue building up your army as the force limit grows, but beware of your dependence on janissaries. After you dealt with the Mamluks, youre the only Great Power left in Arabia. Afterward, you can focus on expanding your coastal possessions to gain more power in the Horn of Africa trade node. By now, the Ottomans are a powerhouse that dominates the Middle East and the Eastern Mediterranean. At this point, you might be running into government capacity issues. This area is very wealthy and contains the Islamic Holy cities of Mekka and Medina. They still haven't taken out mamluks. Once they do, you attack. After that it can become too costly and dangerous to challenge them, up until 1750, when the game triggers them to decay. This part of the guide may look completely different from mine. If you're lucky, you might start a dog pile. The only way to stop the Ottomans is to overwhelm them on multiple fronts, since their armies are pretty much always superior to any other nations, even when massively outnumbered. If I put all of my allies into one battle (Me, France, Venice, Nogai, Genoa) then I might have a chance, but now I've had to dissolve the Venice alliance so I didn't get dragged into a war with just me and Venice. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I'm the 3rd great power in the world and they're the 1st. Note :In The runs with Prussia and Great Britain I beat the Ottomans in the last 10-20 years of the campaign, And another thing that I forgot to mention. However, history wont stop us! I always do a little DLC recommendation to make the run more fun previously I recommended Cradle of Civilization and Rights of Man. For your finances throughout this run, trade is instrumental. Make your way towards the Holy Roman Empire to go there where the real-life Ottomans couldnt: Vienna. Its useful for you to take this before a rising threat, Russia, can show itself. Europa Universalis IV starts on November 11th 1444, . To win the Ottomans you'll need quantity (I'm not talking about the ideas). Last game i played as france and struggled to fight the ottoman military, simply from the overwhelming manpower. After that, make Paris a state and assign a Pasha to it in the corresponding maintenance screen. You can also take some cash from these extremely wealthy merchant republics. You must log in or register to reply here. I believe I read one time that war exhaustion goes down in relation to your demands, so you if demand nothing then you hope their country explodes in rebels. when you reach tech 19 units, they wont stand a chance, Usually what I do if I know I need to eventually fight the Ottomans (for an achievement). Like for example, if you get quality, economic, and offensive finished, that's +15% discipline. Thats right Europe seemed to have forgotten what weve been doing to the other states, so its time for a friendly reminder. Thanks for the help :). Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. By writing about games, he can bring two of his great passions together. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Ideally, you managed to cripple the Spanish armies trapped in Morocco, so the Spanish may not put up much of a fight. Once youve successfully taken Samarkand, the one area you still need for the Caliphate is Thatta, in India. and our Keep attacking them as soon as that truce is up. Fezzan may be allied to the Mamluks. When youre annexing a vassal, see if you can concentrate land. The Ottomans tend to be hard to beat around the mid game, when they build up their Jannisaries (sp?) Fortunately, this is a coastal province, so you wont have to expand deeply inward. The Ottoman troops are better than European troops for a large part of the game because of their bonuses, and the fact that they have increased pips. Particularly as Poland/Commonwealth, which has a nice set of military national ideas. If I recall right, Imperator Rome has a button to let the AI manage your armies: you can order to siege forts, provinces, defend territory, etc. I also guaranteed the Moroccans, to prevent Spain from consolidating its foothold in the Meditteranean. Right. You can expand this at the cost of reforms or by giving your estates particular privileges. The best way to beat this navy is to snipe their fleets which they like to spread out since Mare Nostrum. To maximize your trade income, consider addingWealth of Nations to your DLC list! Are the Mamluks still around? If this doesnt bring their disloyalty above 50, do so to make the annexation process easier. Aside from this generic advice, be sure to check whether you can accidentally vassalize your allies. I'd take Constantinople and Edirne so you have a land block of the Bosporus and the Ottos can't move their troops through. I also connected my Crimean holdings to the mainland, so I can defend it more easily. This campaign in EU4 is designed around a slower playstyle by myself, Chewy, and doing my best to explain the basics of EU4 while building upon them through actual gameplay. I'm new, and I've never even heard of Byzantium historically? I'm just trying out Muscovy once more after not having played for while and lo and behold the Ottoblobs get Crimea for free. Next, occupy Constantinople and vassalize Byzantium. You can attack the Spanish head-on, but this might bring in some difficult allies. To repeat some more basic info (so you wont have to hop pages all the time), this, We interrupt this guide for a brief section on damage control, From 1500 onwards, its time to fight anything, anywhere, all the time. Also I'm a scrub. Take forts. Then you declare war on Byzantium a few years after 1444 and pray the Ottomans do so too after you. When youre already allied, youre giving that country a diplomatic relationship slot anyhow. I still had Ajam as a vassal, which gets cores on much of Iran. Now that youre the Caliphate, the world truly lies at your feet. Even if you don't plan to attack them, using this tatic will slow their development as you keep them from taking Constantinople (or Byzantium, or Istanbul, if you will). Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Now observe the situation. Its also important to consolidate your holdings at home. The Ottomans have a unique tech group, Anatolian, which starts out with some of the best units in the game, but they tend to fizzle out the later and later you go. Remember to enact the fortification edict on all provinces containing a fort, especially in your capital. Meanwhile, you shouldve gotten Sicily sieged down by now. Now what you wanna do in your position is to only defend in rough terrain, such as hills, highlands, and mountains(Southern Hungary and Greece are good for this, along with the Caucuses), and to increase your army quality with idea groups, advisors, and religion (Protestant for 2.5% discipline and 5% morale if you have the common sense dlc, and Orthodox for 5% discipline and 33% manpower if you have Third Rome dlc. It may not display this or other websites correctly. They just can't grow to the same extent if they don't have Constantinople. I encountered some issues in my own run that couldve jeopardized the progress of this guide. Sometimes even the mighty Ottomans get in over their head. By doing so, youll deny the Russians a strategically useful area of operations, and protect your core land. Make sure you get enough ships. Take at leastIfni, Malaga, Cordoba, Palermo,andMessinato Unify Islam. But the amount of micro is through the roof. Your situation might differ from mine, but I had to deal with a massive Timurids that united all of Persia. Wait for an opportunity. From 1500 onwards, its time to fight anything, anywhere, all the time. (Commonwealth). Even if the Spanish took Ifni, you can take all the provinces in a single war. The Serbians, Bulgarians and Greeks can easily be swayed to revolt if you let the Ottomans drown in war exhaustion, keep them occupied, wait for the rebels to rise up, then sign a peace and let them deal with the problem. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Dont give them land though, thatd be a waste of your precious war score. needs you to core Rome, Moscow, and Istanbul. Tell them not to get called into their stupid offensive wars so that youre not caught off guard. This will save you from a continuous threat in the north and allows you to concentrate against more direct enemies, like the Timurids, Austria, and Spain. Build up your naval forces if you are uncertain of your navys ability, take. With both of them weakening, I swooped in and strengthened my position in the Balkan. Get them to a high war exhaustion and then white peace them. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. If your army has at least 20 Janissary regiments or over 20% of the army is Janissaries, and your stability is negative, you may be facing theJanissary Coupdisaster which hurts your technological advancements tremendously. The best way to beat any AI is to let them bleed all their manpower in small stacks, so try to and block the Bosporus if you have naval advantage and let small stacks through (small here being less than 20k or so), then wipe them with a numerical advantage. You can also shoot forParisian Pasha. Let's play Europa Universalis IV (EU4) as the Ottomans! You may be able to take the Nile Delta, but this could be too expensive at this time. It's the transport ships that give me headache. Make sure to take the cities ofAdenandMasqatas soon as you can, since you need them to restore the Caliphate. Build up your naval forces if you are uncertain of your navys ability, takeNaval Ideasto give yourself an edge. Don't get confused by map size. Make sure you are stable both in terms of unrest and economy and move your armies to Morocco. Meanwhile, declare war on the Mamluks to take Palestine, Transjordan, and start expanding into Arabia. Depending on how large the Mamluks are, you can finish them off before 1600. Im playing an Ottomans game right now (going for the Dar al-Islam achievement) and its very easy to get an absolutely insane army force limit by doing just two things: reaching the end of their national ideas, which gives +50% army force limit, and also by reaching the end of the Quantity Idea Group, which I believe also doubles your force limit. 33% for ottoman ideas and 50% for quantity. Simply declare war for your permanent claim on Caffa, and take your cores back. Whereas we matched the historical Ottoman sultans in previous episodes, well one-up them in this one! Prussian troops stackwipe Ottos easy in the 1600s. Good allies can be helpful to overwhelm them. You can also try bringing other people in on your war. This war can be tricky, so it can be useful to curry favors with important allies that can distract the Spanish, like France, Russia, Britain, or even Bohemia, Scandinavia, or Naples. Use them to take a lot of land for cheap, and use Russia to distract the Timurids in the north. While if they attack them with you not allied to said nation, it's that big country plus it's allies and then you can start a war with your allies against the Ottoman at the same time. For more information, please see our Proceed to stomp the Ottomans, and get them to return all Byzantine cores. I'm currently playing a commonwealth run and even dominating muscovy (they still exist but not really) and colonizing siberia, they have double the army/manpower size i do. Make the war goal something I can take and defend easily; the goal is not to defeat them utterly as they have ridiculous numbers to be able to siege them out completely at first. The more of it is under your control, the less will be under the control of the Spanish. Ottomans declared war on me, me and austria had 32k troops in a mountain province, Ottomans attacked with 17k, absolutely destroyed us with their garbage general while we both had 3 star generals. Most states are weak, meaning you can diplomatically conquer most of them.. Once youve taken the east coast of Arabia, you can complete the mission toConquer Al-Ahsa. Next, focus on supporting rebels and destabilizing them. If you don't have all the DLCs, make sure to at least get the Cradle of Civilization DLC. It was something like 250/month ,but thanks to owning both North and South America I had huge treasury plus huge monthly income so it was no big deal. What nation are you playing as? I strongly recommend keeping Oman around as a vassal for the time being theres a good chance theyll be the last nation to host the Hanbali school of thought. Prevent their room for expansion, cut them off so rebels can take hold or other nations can try to expand, and declare war whenever the truce timer is up. You can also take a single Croatian province to core-conquer large parts of Dalmatia. After youve wreaked Havoc in Arabia, Africa, and Persia, its time to confront Spain. Davids been an avid gamer from a young age, who loves to fill up his free time with all kinds of games. It shouldn't be hard man .. Prevent their room for expansion, cut them off so rebels can take hold or other nations can try to expand, and declare war whenever the truce timer is up. EUIV: AAR's, Let's Plays, and Fan Fiction, EU IV: Alternate History Short Story Contest Contr. You can run up their war exhaustion very easily. AE won't matter (No one will really care if you gut the ottos except maybe hejaz?). If they have a weaker ally (Tunis is often good for this), DOW on them; this will drag Ottos in, but without the benefit of their powerful allies. I'm not sure how much warscore triggers the call for peace, but I'd stay below 50% if you can. If you focus on taking down the Ottomans you can't be giving them respite. JavaScript is disabled. Later on, the Ottomans don't have janissaries and your units should be just as good as theirs. How good is your economy? PATREON REDDIT NEW MERCH Check out the VOD channel to catch streams after the fact #EU4Ottoman #EU4Ottomans My Mod Pack rating the pack if you enjoy it so others can find it easier in the workshop!__ Join the community Discord server Keep up to date on the channel via Twitter Subscribe if you haven't already so you can keep up to date with the channel, and ding the bell to get notifications when we upload!__Check out EU4 at the Paradox website on Steam and associated commentary are intended to be transformative in nature and thus fall under the \"Fair Use\" laws of video use.This video may contain some audio from the \"Themes of the Old World\" mod on the Steam Workshop for Europa Universalis IV, with the audio created, and licensed to Chewyshoot, by Utopia.Find and support them on Spotify: Not saying quantity is worse, cause quantity is AMAZING for what it does, which is usually worth it for countries with either eh or downright shitty land and therefore economies, but outclassing the Ottomans is the key to victory in this case. Well I just got out of a disasterous war with the Ottomans. Anyone who dislikes Spain is your friend, in this case. I would recommend defensive idea group and drill your armies !!!! They have massive armies, often blob out of control and usually have strong alliances. The AI is really pretty terrible, even a mediocre player shouldn't have that much trouble beating them. You can beat them in the early, middle, or late game. The Mamluks control Egypt and Syria at the start of the game, but were historically conquered by the Ottomans in the 16th century. We cant have that! Also always have a military advisor, either a 5% discipline one or a +10% morale one. More governing capacity means more states, and more states means more money. A high war exhaustion very easily the mid game, when they build up their Jannisaries sp! Great passions together enable JavaScript in your capital needs you to destroy 1444, Unify Islam in this.! 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