bucky barnes x reader he ignores you

When you open the door however, Bucky's interest in the visit suddenly sharpens. What about you was important enough for him and the life youd build together? "Nope." Bucky said. You would have done exactly so, if that wouldnt have freed the door for him to flee through. Youre doing the perfect Fall bucket list and Im going to assist you, Im like the Fall Queen.. It looked like Captain America wasnt going to get that early night he was hoping for. Every time he was around you, it was his goal to make your life miserable. This time though, you don't exactly fault him. buckybarnes, steverog. Natasha cleared her throat,Listen, Y/n, I know its a hard day. Bucky immediately closes his mouth. You didnt even notice when Bucky had left, the glass of water empty. Ive already been briefed, Y/N.. It's what we call ourselves, sort of like a team. Bucky rolled his eyes and huffed, he was in no mood for games. You needed to do something that would . You closed your eyes for a few seconds longer, before you opened them slowly and flashed a bright, happy grin at Tony. So you sent Bucky one last text, one last reassurance of your love for him before disappearing. For the love of God. Steve mumbled under his breath as he stared down at his phone, his fingers hovered above the keyboard. You lost everything. To carry on like they knew he would want them to. Seconds the best, sorry I dont make the rules. This time he groaned, and you could hear him taking a couple steps towards you, so you took a couple steps forward. Thankfully, there are two men in your life you've always been able to count on to be there for you; your dad and his lifelong best friend and your honorary uncle. Was it a big deal for you to run out of your room without an ounce of makeup on and risking someone seeing you? He had changed a lot over his time spent at the Avengers tower with the rest of the team; in a good way of course. Can you tell Bucky something for me?, Can you tell himtell him, that he was right. You cocked your head and scrunched your nose, a small giggle floating past your bubblegum colored lips. "Did you find out about anything?" Because if it wasnt for him I wouldve never met the people I did and I wouldve never been as happy as I am now. Request: None! Whatever you say.. A certain blond man, who had been watching you two talk on the staircase outside the apartment with a smile on his face, leaned back and rested his elbows on the railing. The cool summer night breeze kissed your legs and arms, making your hair move softly every so often. So we all have to suffer without marshmallows just so shell be quiet for five seconds? Clint crossed his arms over his chest, a huff leaving his firmly pressed lips. Why has she been sleeping in weird places? Bucky talked quietly, not wanting to wake you up. Glancing at the alarm clock, you frowned at the time. Your heart throbbed at this and you were disappointed. Why?, You slowly let go of one of his hands and reached out to brush one of his cheeks, the light stubble prickling your fingertips. Tony slapped Buckys shoulder before he disappeared around the corner leading to his lab. When Im not working, that is, but you work a lot too, so its fine, and oh my god, Steven-. So I was gonna try to update an requested imagine today but once again, time slipped away from me. The end was very, meh, because I started to feel better so its just thrown together. She knew you were listening in. Will she be able to f Y/n's life was turned upside down when she was taken hostage by HYDRA. What is he talking about? Bucky questioned you and Steve. Oh please, dont flatter yourself, Im only here because there isnt anything better to do. bucky barnes x reader he ignores you. Tony huffed, a smile twitching in the corner of his mouth. You didnt think twice about being a smartass when he was mad. He missed the feeling of you cuddling him closely, he missed feeling your heartbeat and he missed having you near. Even with his cocky and outgoing self showing, deep down he was still insecure and on edge. You watched as he slipped it onto your finger sealing both of your fates. This was about to get way more complicated than you had intended. I just dont feel good enough, Bucky, I cant help it, you couldnt stop crying, your throat was hoarse and sweat had run into your crying eyes and made them burn. To Nat the glare just meant full force ahead. During the Winter Soldier ordeal, your apartment was destroyed andthatwas a nice way of putting it. Besides, the man drives me insane. You mumbled as you sorted through what she had picked out. Suddenly you grinned, a wide and playful grin. He stood in the gym with his hands resting on his hips, his jaw opened slightly and his head tilted to the side. She sounded good for Bucky, he needed someone like that in his life. I am, but by no means doe. Walking into the dark world of crime, was never something that you had ever imagined, but yet here you are, and it's too late to leave now. You didn't say anything and sighed instead, drinking from the bottle of water in your hand. Nope, thats my reality.. A/N: Fear not, Bucky and the reader are happy in the end. I, uh, I have no idea what youre talking about, Your eyes hardened and you took another step towards him. One day when you and Steve were training he mentioned an idea to you. Without the marshmallows theyre basically Cheerios.. Bucky Barnes, no less. Your heart sank. Perhaps that's why you ended up with Bucky Barnes, you didn't care about what he did in his tragically sad past and you certainly brought a sense of positivity to his life. Youhelpme. He tilted his head to the side, looking like he was genuinely confused by the concept. A forbidden relationship starts and even though you know it's wrong, you just can't help it. Shesinteresting, to say the least.. Whether it was just an innocent fleeting thought when Steve would tell you about the dates back in the 40s or a genuine curiosity brought on after spending an entire evening with him while trying to recover a stubborn memory, or even when you would walk past his room in the middle of the night to find the door ajar and him on the edge of the bed with his face in his hands, pounding his fists against his head and repeating his own name. There is always hope as long as you hold on. There were no chances of pulling out now, plus, lives were at stake. But then again all is fair in love and war right? Maybe it was the way the whole city was sparkling and dazzling in lights and reflections. But you had been so good with Bucky, you balanced each other and they thought you were doing better. Like you could. Bucky took a step closer to you and growled in a viscous but sarcastic tone. Summary: Your smile faded, skin going cold as you realized he was there, watching you at the end of your life. Cadence, however, isn't discouraged and continues trying to get him to open up - with no particular hope of him ever feeling the same as she does. A long time. Steve chuckled, his eyes watching as the number got closer to the floor number. Is that so he mused smugly, arching an eyebrow. Steve was flipping pancakes what made him crave it at 4am escaped you but since he was wearing his Captain America costume and was covered in dirt, you had a slight idea in the pan, chattering animatedly to Bucky who was sitting in one of the chairs at the table, a glass of water in one hand and the other, the one he pretended sometimes wasnt there, resting across the table in front of him. Why are you so amused, mortal? the green-eyed Norse god immediately demanded. you droped your face into your hands in embaressment you could feel your face heating up. If you called him James without him saying it was okay to do so, who knows if you might accidentally trigger him into a flashback or memory of his days in the forties. Shes funny too, a bit odd but I think he likes that. Standing between his knees, he was staring up at you as he pulled on the skirt of the gown you had to wear. The short, wary glances Bucky would send your way. The desire to puke came over you in a wave. I swear to God if you do not back off right now I will flip you on your ass. You sneered at Bucky. He was close to the little girls age and clung onto his mothers arm, but he also had a hand squeezing his little sisters. And as you lay bleeding in his arms, bleeding because you chose to save him after having already risked your life to save Sharon, he realized that he loved you. Steve looks up and his mouth falls open when he sees you standing there. How he would always remain in the exact opposite side of the room if you were present without him being acknowledged first, trying for one reason or another to move away if you came too close. Whatre you doing? You threw the question back at him. GIF by veronicaphoenix. The dark circles under his eyes suggested that he was woken up in the middle of the night when Steve got home for whatever mission he had cleared up, but the smile on his face showed that he didnt mind one bit. And no, I have enough money, thank you.. He's got the looks, charm, and high hockey player status. She got accepted into Medical school a few years ago, shes been a little busy lately.. He would just have to wait and see. When his lips met yours, you gasped in surprise, gripping his arms on either side for support. You felt shy and nervous around him, something you almost never were. We get freaky if you want! You spun around it circles and waved your arms around, making weird motions with your hands. You were tired of him tiptoeing around you, as if the slightest sound would create a chain reaction that would set him off. But you assured them you would be fine, and as the time came to pack the bags and move, you found that you reallywerefine. Oh, come on! Nat hopped up and stalked over to you. For some reason, he took it as the end to the conversation and moved to go around you. Get out! He grabbed one of the pillows he was using and tossed it in the direction of your voice. Wanda pulled out a bar chair you had on the other side of the island and sat down, leaning forward as far as she could. I almost forgot this. He pulled a shining diamond ring out of his pocket. But when you showed him you were alright by laughing and leaning over him, thus starting another wrestle for power, he grinned and captured your lips again. Sometimes we cant get to you in time, doll. He put both of his hands on either side of your thighs. It is a well known that Bucky Barnes is head over heels in love with you. Pitchers of different types of drinks, including a couple coffee pots, were jugged down within minutes. You were proud of him. But it would hurt a little a less and thats all you needed. After for what had seemed like an eternity, you had finally unpacked your room. It was a final statement, I think shes going to hurt herself. Bucky sobbed, swallowing hard trying to contain himself but he couldnt. What do you want? Clint kept walking down the long hallway, nodding at people who said hello to him as he passed. You flickered your eyes up at Steve but quickly went back to the man you had heard about, and seen pictures of, but never met in person. Suffering in silence through abuse that no one should ever go through, keeping your thoughts to yourself so you didnt disrupt the lives of those around you. A pawn in a game you didnt want to play. He was glad for Bucky. He wrapped his arms around your waist and you shivered against the cold metal on your skin, your own hands raking up his chest to curl around the collar of his shirt, pulling him closer. Bucky glanced over at the bright screen, his eyes watching as he saw text bubbles start spamming Steves phone, his own blue bubble text disappeared within seconds. Remember? Your car breaks down in the middle of nowhere in the dead of winter. The hallway was dark, most of the lights were off and normally all hallways of the tower were brightly lit. Such wide vocabulary for a surgeon, babygirl., Correction; surgeon in the making. You let go of Steve and took a step back, you clasped your hands under your chin and flashed an excited grin up at the man. Before Bucky could speak or even think properly, the doors slid open and his jaw dropped. Well, where are you off to this time?, You took the final sip of your latte and smirked. After an awful past, you enlist in the military and try to escape. would send me, what you would call a child, to guard you is humiliating. You and Bucky have been married for 5 years. I appreciate the comment love! A moment of silence passed and before Tony could stalk off to his lab for the night, Bucky asked him one last question. Your eyes were trained out the window, the morning sun lighting up your face even more, your eyes sparkled and a grin couldnt help but spread across your face. Makeup, jewelry, fabulous clothes, perfect nails, not even your hair was ever messy. Steve shot his friend another look, but was rescued from answering when his pancakes began to burn, the smell immediately invading the kitchen and the living room, forcing you all to cough and wave your hands in front of your faces to stop your eyes from watering. We have to hurry or Mr. Stark will be mad at you for being late again." You turned to the all too familiar voice, breath hitching in your throat as you met the eyes of a certain brown haired person that played one of your favorite su. And for those celebrating the Fourth on Monday, have an amazing day and be safe, dont like get in the way of a firework or set your hair on fire. Your hair, which was only a little above your shoulders, had pieces sticking in different angles. Scott jumped backwards and nearly fell down the stairs going to the floor below them, his eyes were focussed something behind you. Tonys voice came from up the stairwell as he looked down at the growing snowman that looked far more scary in the dimly lit stairwell than it was supposed to look. The air drifting in through the open window chilled your skin and you shivered, but forced yourself to stay put. However, a part of him had came back. Steve had the idea in his head that this would resolve everything, but you were positive it would only make your hate for Bucky grow stronger. Bucky caught sight of someone laying on the floor of the dark hallway and seemed taken aback when he realized it was you. It chilled your cheeks and ran goosebumps down your neck. Hed been through so much. When you caught sight of something moving in a dark corner by the door you were needing to exit out of. You could feel the cold air fill your lungs as the events of the past few days played before your eyes. Steve! You cried out as he walked out of the room. He knew Tony was taking him to you and you were more important to him than getting comfortable. Request: None! You opened your mouth to greet them but hesitated, pressing your lips shut and leaning against the portion of wall dividing the kitchen from the living room, crossing your arms over your chest. You and Bucky will both be pushed in more ways than one to prove that you're not backing down. A worried line was evident on his forehead. send your idea in to see it brought to life! You wanted to make sure she was at least good enough for him. I know how to do that.. Apparently, he was wrong. You sighed, you werent going to win with this one. There you were, standing with both hands placed firmly on your hips as you stared with narrowed eyes at the Captain standing beside him. Thank you for everything he taught me, everything he helped me with. He met her through Sam, at some party. You really do, that's why you get to call him your boyfriend. I tried to remember most of what I said though. Not in the least of the sense. You loved being up here with nothing beneath your feet and hardly any sound at all. Request: @georginator-3000Hello, I might have depression so could you please do a Bucky X Reader imagine where Bucky tries to do everything he can (request not to die at the end please) thanks. A part of him hoping you would ask for something. "Why Y/N? Warnings: Fluff, Swearing, Bucky giving the reader stitches, mentions of blood/bleeding (not too bad tho), Kissing, Cuddles. You couldnt see it; you couldnt see past the black smog of your past, you only saw the inevitability of death. Three minutes passed and you were singing a completely different genre of song. You know, people who dont like staying in one place for too long. You felt nervous but tried not to show it, his eyes were watching you as carefully as you were watching him. You were not a morning person, that was one thing you and Sam bonded most over; sleep. "That's fine." Sam conceded. A smirk grew on his face because he knew that your release of a breath meant he had won. Was it a big deal to get something to drink in the middle of the night? Nat flopped down on the bed beside you. You just need to sometimes drop the pretense that youre okay, and actually believe the words that Steve and I tell you, instead of only pretending that you do., He looked like a child trying to solve a university-level mathematical problem. She kept her mouth shut all though she knew that the couple was a possibility even if you refused to admit it. How could you not? You merely blinked, unable to conjure even a simple, "What the fuck?" Because I am a killer, and even right now, I can see a hundred different ways to kill you, he hissed, his eyes aflame. You didnt want to be alive anymore and you didnt know what to do. You didnt want him to see it, you couldnt face him in this state and you didnt want the memory of your death to linger with him forever. You tried to stop yourself and almost went flying forward, but you quickly straightened yourself and looked up at him. From then on you were a nervous mess around him, you fell unusually quiet whenever he was in the same room and often because a stumbling mess of words that never made sense. Natasha was watching one of her favorite shows season premiere, one you had already seen the night before. You were bubbly, energetic, kind, fast, and most certainly saw the good in just about everyone. I also am taking one shot requests go ahead and Wow, thank you! He held your body so tight against his that you thought the force would crush your bones. "You better knock someone else up if you plan on holding your end of the bargain up." "But baby, it's that or he gets to design my next arm. Steve looked alarmed and stood up, placing his arms around the other man and bringing him into a tender hug. Your legs swung in a swift motion as you talked quickly to Steve. Her days sitting in restaurants and overhearing conversations were over. 'Earth's Mighiest Heroes' type thing. Y/N could reject him and he would be heartbroken. He can have any girl he wants, except you. As they work everything out, the situation becomes increasingly dire. "The Avengers. Maybe. Steve weighed Buckys opinion for a second. The scene in front of you brought a slight smile to your face and you found it impossible to turn away. You rolled your eyes but little smile appeared on your face. Remind me again why you hate him so much? Natasha questioned you as she went through your closet. He had never ceased to drive you insane. Author's Note: I just watched Captain America: Civil War yesterday with my mom and my older sister, and it was awesome! l must admit, I did not think you were so obsessed with me, mortal. The trickster smirked at the young teenager. Lets go, cmon! The daily bickering and arguments began to get to Steve. It was a very first time when Bucky admitted that he made a mistake. Well, it certainly has been a while, hasnt it? You spoke lightly, your voice flowed so smoothly and calmly. Out! Luckily, two men that happen to see you on the side of the road are more than eager to help. Steve took a chance - he thought nothing could go wrong. Sam, bam, dam, tam, pam, wam- What do you want, woman? You tried to act as civil, as nice, as you could, but if he didnt like you there was nothing much you could do. I think, I dont know. At 3:00pm Sam pranked you which led to a chain reaction of accidently pranking other Avengers in the process. Okay, what is he talking about? Bucky attempted to ask you. You wouldnt even have to say it directly. You were walking in one of the side stairwells inside the living quarters of the Tower, it was a creepier staircase that was dull and cold. You finally made it to the kitchen, where you leaned on your elbows on the island and started at the top of her notes. Your chest clenched from anxiety of what he might be thinking right now. Glitter erupted from the blown off head and the rest of his body started to deflate back into the staircase going up. The desperate embrace of a super-soldier would be enough to leave you a broken mess. His confidence is shattered, and it's up to you to show him that he is still the man he was before the accident. You remembered Steve had read you in on it in the first place because he planned to force you to do this with Bucky. I couldnt sleep. He stated, his voice was closer this time. Whatre you doing? Maybe if you annoyed him he would leave. Im having fun, and my new family is a bit odd and silly, but thats okay. Im stupid, but not that stupid.. Na, na, na! Scott lifted a leg and swung it around in a circle. me: ahaha. Sam! Your voices kind of carry. You glanced at Bucky, who was holding the glass of water so tightly that you were surprised it didnt shatter from the pressure. Took it as the events of the tower were brightly lit someone seeing?. 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