why do ghanaians hate jamaicans

Watching people dodging rain drops in Jamaica is like watching Neo in the movie the Matrix dodging bullets. Instead of trying to answer this one myself, Ive enlisted the help of fellow Jamaicans to tell you why we are so mean after all or that youre totally mistaken. get along very well. I never thought Jamaicans were mean! After that trip, we went up to a park in the hills-. I appreciate knowing how to not offend and not be offended. Ghana is not going to be delivered to you on a plate like that. Because Ackee came from Ghana, but Ghanaians typically dont eat ackee. FyffeStar (@FyffeJireh) March 7, 2020. , Alexis Chateau (@alexischateau_) March 7, 2020, Moved from Jamaica to NYC so ppl would say I'm mean I can be very mean but that also depends on you, so just move outta my way n don't come to me with nonsense, VanillaBeans (@TiinaBeans) March 8, 2020. Theyll tell you you cant take critisim and a second later youll give constructive critisim and theyll get defensive then turn it around on you and attack. You didnt spend long enough. Rhaatid! , Im not sure what that ladys problem was. Who said Ghanaians hate us? Now, if youre not a first-timer and you already used to the place, and I would say, everybody should try it, is Fufu. Thank you for taking the time to read and comment. What Ive noticed more is that yes they are blunt and straightforward for the most part and aggressive which is fine but it tends to be biased straightforwardness. So, you know, I dont know what my experience would have been like as an outright expat, I dont know. What I have zero respect for is the White lady waving to me while standing under the Confederate flag over her front porch. Utility Bills JPS too tief, mi nuh use so much currant Listen to them, listen to how they interact. It depends on your experience and identity. Ruth: Yes. In some cultures, imitation is flattery. So, if it means that you have to hide the truth to maintain peace or to not ruffle feelings, then people will hide the truth and they dont consider it lying. Your religion, your language all of that can go. You pick at it, you put it in your mouth and you dont chew it. I strongly believe there are 3 sides to every story. So, if you imagine raw dumpling. (which part of Jamaica are you from), Ruth: A come from Kingston, near Barbican, close enough to Andrews and close enough to you guys down at JC. They say American hate waiting on the phone for Customer Service. WebThe ethnogenesis of the Black Jamaican people stemmed from the Atlantic slave trade of the 16th century, when enslaved Africans were transported as slaves to Jamaica and Some will go as far as find a reason why the murder of Haitians is justifiable. FOH, Go, get a damm haircut, and learn where in Africa jamaicans came from , youre a damm fool, Instead of writing this load of crap Why does the author not ask Jamaicans to stop stealing the $4million reported by LIME to stop stealing the copper wire for residents of Manchester to have service. And I think that thats why we have this whole salt fish story going on. The world stops when it is raining. Ruth: Im good Xavier. Xavier: Theres so much to unpack in that. Xavier: So heres the next question. Being prim and proper has its time and place, but applied to us outside of a formal setting, it often stinks of Eurocentric ideals. This is indeed an example of a misunderstanding based on cultural differences, and of course the woman on the phone was not being a monster. We are very loving though. They praise our customer service and wish they could learn to live at our more laidback pace. Some of the stuff youre saying, youre not getting a lot of the stereotypical, Id say. I almost beat her up. So, I caan (cant) just come out and start a big, big argument with somebody whos much older than me, because it doesnt wash so well. We dont beat around the bush and dont like To waste time. Thank you for your support. If one more Georgian hits me with the "Southern hospitality" a rass maw go rass somebody. For the east indian nations It is notRead more . EpicJamaica (@epicjamaica) March 8, 2020, Alexis Chateau (@alexischateau_) March 8, 2020, This is one of the big reasons I'm leaving the Southeast. Funny to see the comment above from Marty and what came across as defensive reply from the author. And Kelewele, which is fried ripe, and Im going to say it, plantain. believe that Jamaicans think they are better than Africans and And of course I miss family because were far, and I wish we had a direct flight, what can I say. Jamaican men can try to boss Jamaican women around all they like, but unlike America, we have a predominantly Black Matriarchal culture. 3. So be very clear. I dont know if theres anything else you have to add to adjusting that. It wasnt even, Bob Marley, yes, but there were others who were also important. Wi tek bad tings mek joke? No. Men being very bossy to women, using them, cheating. Too well,in fact,if you know what I mean. , They're gonna get you for this. Ruth: Yes. So, much like we talk about Patois being or soul or heart language. The softer spoken ones seem less of this. I wish her all the best. It sits in a soup, in a very spicy soup. Alexis Chateau sometimes includes affiliate product links and ads in the content provided. So, I explain, I come from a culture where if we dont like you, we make it perfectly clear. THE TRUTH IS this is why you are disliked, hated even, by other islanders, your other side of the family. But Ghana feels like home in a different way. So anyway, so right planting or planting cut up with ginger and everything. Listen, how I see is it that Jamaica has its own culture just as any culture mixed from its traditions environment and a fingerprint of factors. Thinking about it the only reason that would be accurate is where we are tired of our culture being exploited otherwise we're laughing or stating facts. I know that when I first came here, I should have written a lot more because I knew some of it would become very same old, same old. We ate, you know, we went up, they had these trees that you that-. You have to wait for A, B and C to happen before you go and say that this person died. So my tendency if someone was yelling at me would be to yell back why are you such an a88hole today?!! She came to vent and be offensive, so who can say what her actual thoughts are? Many Jamaicans tend to see foreigners as hypocritical because they will smile with you even if they can't stand you, Medium Fluffy (@averagejamaican) March 8, 2020. If you look awful in that dress, we will tell you so and hurt your feelings. Plus, some Africans believe that Jamaicans think they are better than Jamaicas Sangster International Airport Getting MAJOR Upgrades To Become World-Class Facility! Yuh (you) coming tomorrow? Yes a coming tomorrow. Tomorrow pass, the next day pass, the next day pass. The whole family system, the matrilineal system of the Akan or the Ashantis. But I wasnt a historian. Its one of those-, Xavier: I dont mean to interrupt yuh (you) but its funny because we went to the slave castle and that was good. But, this aggressiveness, is seen as playfulness in our culture. Ruth: Kakum Park. Put Nuff Gravy is the anthem of many Jamaicans when they go to restaurants and street food vendors. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this sites author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. In different ways though. They would only inherit from me, but thats changed, but thats to show you the traditional system that I keep bucking up against. They are viewed like the most dangerous dinosaur. You are. TRUTH! Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window), Why Are Jamaicans So Mean? So, Jamaicans and other cultures too. This is the number one reason Jamaicans gave for why so many people think were downright mean. What can you accomplish by not having a conversation that might solve problems? Two such ones are traffigator, an amalgamation of traffic and indicator as is used on a car and with an inserted g for good measure. So, you dont see people walking around, grown women walking around with their thigh [sound break] is showing or was and I miss having a whole beach culture saying, lets, come wi (we) go beach nuh (no)?. Chances are, you assumed they were arguing. Ruth: Well, I think its a familiarity of it. Xavier: Because maybe now that explains the other side of, the DNA results that I got, which says Ben in Ghana and Nigeria. I can tell you this, you know, I kept saying, oh, Jamaican just saying that because its been ingrained in us to say, we come from there. If I said to you, Xavier, bwoy (boy), mi a (I am) get married next week enuh (you know), yuh (you) coming to the wedding? As a Jamaican, yuh seh, Bwoy mi have sumn book fi next week so, a cya come. (you say, boy I have something book for next week so, a cannot come). WebResearch like this is essential to understanding why that is, and how to change it. The whole concept of an interracial country, like Jamaican where were predominantly black, but every now and then you see a hint of this and a hint of that. So, Fufu is a mix of cassava, typically cassava and planting, green plantain, planting, mashed to a sticky kind of, pulp. (@jhrissland) March 7, 2020. I could definitely see what Marty was saying. Xavier: Wow. Yeah. I cant fully explain it, but it just is. Chances are, I don't like you either. A distinction exists between Jamaican English and Jamaican Patois (or Creole), though not entirely a sharp distinction so much as a gradual continuum between two extremes. This is an offense that can get your food establishment blacklisted as word spread that you are stingy with the gravy. Xavier: Oh yes. You have judged Jamaican culture through what I assume is American lenses, but our culture is much richer and much deeper than your surface-deep analogy. I didnt say jamaicans invented rudeness either. Lets say youre walking through Spain and you seeing these historic buildings. And we appreciate you spending the time. That said, homophobia is not mean. but all the island peoples are family. You show them their weaknesses. Jamaicans hate utility bills especially for water and light (electricity). Im not the one on someone elses website wailing and complaining. Yes, well make it work for us. The German accent is very aggressive. Our hearts smile, Baraka Flaka Flaaaame (@blackinnaminute) March 7, 2020. I see jamaicans work three jobs in the USA, so Im not talking of what I dont know. Were kind of like the Nigerians. WebHowever, we do know that hate speech on social media in modern. But, I can definitely see how the French can be more passionate then the northerners are used to. Theres something very impressive about seeing history or seeing things that represent centuries around you, and in Ghana you see that in people. Ive seen it happen all the time, particularly with Americans sticking their nose into our business when we were perfectly fine. Thanks for commenting. Ruth: The biggest sin in Jamaica is what? Ruth: I mean, its generally younger people who do it. Its a snack that you eat on the road, but first-timers love it. When broken down into the sampling group, 61 per So, you lived in South Africa for a time also? Xavier: And you may not have many of them. Ill tell you another one that is big. The other one that I used to get quite often and it would make me laugh. All rights reserved. People tend to be industrious, imaginative, and contrary to another unwelcome stereotype hard Ghana and Jamaica have a Joint Permanent Commission, [1] and there are plans for Ghanaian investment in Jamaica. Because historically were so linked to Ghana. Its wasnt necessarily Bob Marley. sharp sharp indeed. All the best. Is Pan Chicken Different from Jerk Chicken? I leave the Americans to ponder that one. Pretty sure Id have a great time in Jamaica. Dance through down. But I know that for me, this is home and to our kids, for them, this is home. Why are they so outspoken and demand the freedom to speak? daphne's daughter (@DeniseWhorms) March 7, 2020, I dont think jamaicans are necessarily mean. As one tweep explained, we have a short temper and an even shorter supply of patience. I think theres so much to see that you just have to silence yourself and silence the critique, save the questions, and do ask them. So Nigerians and Ghanaians in temperament tend to be very different that way. So, people would be scared that somebody like me would come and have children here and then would leave with the children. Oh okay. And you think, you interpret commit commitment to it. But the way we flavor it with salt fish is a way they flavor the majority of Ghanaian dishes are flavored with some form of smoked fish that is cut up just the same way wed cut up salt fish. Yes. Furthermore, our society and culture is inherently aggressive. I wont. I mean theyre very, very different places. Their dislike for Nigerians did not start todayy. Were still very conservative in Jamaica, for the most part. Also we're not very good at hiding our true feelings so it's not surprising that some would interpret this as being mean. Mi fraid (I am afraid), but people do and I Yes. This is inevitable as attaching your worth and identity to external things creates a very unstable self worth which is affected by the external. Before you criticize Bajans and say oh they hate Jamaicans you might need to get your historical facts correct. Dressing to the nines. So it boils down to racism or the belief Ruth: You just to absorb it. Yes. WebA few months ago, one of my Jamaican friends told me that he doesnt like Haitians. Okay. So, tradition here reveres time. And the other thing is dasheen. Ruth: Who has the best Jollof rice? They eat boiled green plantains here. I currently live in Mexico and the Mexicans I know have also made a keen observation and distinction between African Americans and the West Indians they know, myself included. People do not posture for looks and ego. Ruth: The flip side of that means that theres limited ability to challenge in the way that were used to in Jamaica. Maybe its not the race, but the nationality and the culture that comes with it? Ruth: Yes. Xavier: So, are you saying theyre a little like us. Haha.I would say direct & passionate instead. Here are the 9 Reasons Why You Should be Eating More How Jamaican Men Say Thank You to another Jamaican How Jamaicans Greet You When They Have Not Seen You 20 English Words That Sound Better In Jamaican Patois. Thank you for this Xavier. I tore up like a baby. Ill introduce it to other Jamaicans and well have a blast just moving around. Nobody does, dont do that. Number one place that you must visit? Xavier: I dont remember the name of it, but, you know, I know there were a lot of kids around, it seemed like, you know, its a day trip for kids and I dont remember the name of the park. . differences. All we do is not show up and then afterwards apologize. . We want to hear from you! The sense of humor is different, but its still very I think whats common to both countries, is that sense of humanity, where people are a bit more forgiving of each other and, yes, warmer and fuzzier. WebBy interviewing about 2,000 people across 40 communities in Jamaica, we looked at the predictors of anti-gay bias and measured them. 93Disclaimer: Every Nairaland member is solely responsible for anything that he/she posts or uploads on Nairaland. It is an offense that can start an angry mob. It comes from way back and it persists to this day. If you can't handle the truth don't ask a Jamaican because we tell you like it is. You know, when you enter a room, you have to greet people in a certain direction. I have two Jamaicans in my house and I love them to death. (We take bad things make joke). It is therefore not DNA based but a pure sociological ill that can be address frontally. Jamaicans are moreto the point. Ruth: In Jamaica the biggest sin is what? It's just cultural . Its usually a symptom of a fragile ego which is understandable because the culture is also very egotistical and ego is seen as mainly positive to them. THE TRUTH IS, we were taught to hate JAMAICANS. Xavier: So my first question is, which paat a Jamaica yuh cum fram? You may not have many. . So I dont know. While we do have some exceptions, most of us are the most genuine people you could ever hope to meet. Nairaland - Copyright 2005 - 2023 Oluwaseun Osewa. There were the men and women who remembered their rich past and knew of their dark future away from their homes. So, our Jamaican belief is truth, at all costs. Thats very, very interesting. Ruth: Part two, yes. Is there anything missing from this list? Plus we really don't like when people ask, what we would consider a stupid question and our irritation comes out in our response. The Ghanians and Nigerians here in T.O. Nothing compares with the Chieftaincy System, but its still very important here. I just wanted the chance to get back at her. A means set to keep Africans apart in the diaspora. When I was in high school, I lived in Spain, loved it. They arent necessarily bad thats to each owns interpretation but to me I see a lot of this materialism in Jamaicans. Bajans dont hate Jamaicans. Bob said "the truth is an offense, but never a sin". If they took the time to understand that we are a less restrained and more expressive culture and how much we love that! We absolutely hate when you meet us for the first time, and five seconds into learning were Jamaican, youre trying to sound like us and talking about Jamaican mon and Bob Marley. On a good day and if youre a tourist, we might let this slide. Yuh si dem (You see them) picking from a tree and just eat it. There are no hurt feelings, but if you dont know our culture you would assume otherwise. But it is this way. WebBecause of so many hatings going on online from Ghanians towards Nigerians, when ever it comes to me or any of my friends wanting to employ african apart from Nigerians, for Mi cya come. (I said, no boy I book already you know. So, we are much more Wiziwig. Yogen No Ko (@styrofoambax) March 8, 2020. Whats it Like Being a Jamaican Living in Australia? And really people do believe, for everything there is a season. Its almost biblical. WebThis form of English is used in commerce, government, media and education. It calls on your senses much more than many other countries. You know, the proverb that came to mind was, children to speak when theyre spoken to. Thats the first proverb that came to mind when you kind of said that. Ghanaians I know do not speak negatively about Nigerians in fact they are peaceful and they are more focused on providing and protecting their families than worrying about what Nigerians are doing. They can deport us until kingdom come, but the UK is an extension of Jamaica. Everything comes to a halt at the sight of rain. Other cultures tend to be more diplomatic whereas Jamaicans feel we should say it like it is to avoid misunderstanding. So even though Jamaicans might look at seh, bwoy dem mek dem clothes tight eeh, (say, boy they make their clothes tight huh) because they do make their clothes tight here, to show their form, to show their body. Its by far a more solid argument than ask anyone in the world. Jamaicans are not mean. treat them with disdain. Xavier: All right. We are an unbothered people for the most part. Check out Sheris Blog HERE and Like the Naked Departure Facebook Page HERE, Remember to share this article on Facebook and other Social Media Platforms. Xavier: You know, I saw you when I got there. The language has a distinctive rhythmic and melodic quality. That being said, we will tell you bout your muma and her claat if you fly pass your nest. Even while enjoying social time, non-Jamaicans often mistake our loud conversations for fights. I wouldn't say we are mean, per say We're just short-tempered and aggressive. Unfortunately, when honesty meets the innate expressiveness of patois, people (mis)interpret it for unkindness. Xavier: So food, lets talk food. I would say the total Ghanaian experience is to climb the stairs above a market area and just watch how people move. We're not mean, they're just soft. My anecdote, as you condescendingly put it (theres that jamaican charm again), comes from working with only Jamaicans for the last 2 and a half years. WebJamaicans are all hustlers. So sorry, Im just seeing this. I think there is this feeling of inferiority and enviousness. (Jamaicans Give Their Answers!). We Jamaicans are, for the most part, open and accepting people. It was the African Americans. Ruth: Yu (you) cannot be a hypocrite, right? As mad/crazy as they were (supposedly), these humans knew they didnt want to be slaves. I didnt go there nearly as much but-. No. So they struggle to wrap their brains around that, unless theyve traveled. So when youre in Ghana, you see Jamaica much more than you would see Jamaica in South Africa, even though they both feel homey. And it, I mean-. I would tell you the truth straight up. Because historically were so linked to Ghana. Between 1845 and 1917, more than 36,000 Indians came from British India to British Jamaica because of the deteriorating socio-economic conditions in India at the time. Personally don't see how Jamaicans get labeled as mean tho lol. We really do. Here is your epic story rhyme and poems and story plot lines and all. But yes, theres a good and bad side to everything. But in traditional Ghana, our children wouldnt even inherit from him. Ruth: So, I hooked up with a Ghanaian at university in the US, and we got married, in Jamaica. Its up to you to see your strengths for what they are! Mller and Schwarz (2021) find that the posting. We grow up learning how to dish it and how to take it. They might tell someone their question is dumb but go on to ask an even dumber question but dont dare try to tell them theirs was dumb. So thats classic. Xavier: Wow. As for the hurt when criticized, this one had me laughing. Ruth: Yes. And I think you kind of got into that. Obviously their quest for freedom continuedand even the government fought to contain them! Saving water and electricity is an art practiced by many Jamaicans daily. Whatsapp. We're just blunt and straightforward AF and we don't take no shit from nobody. Xavier: So, my next question is this one, what was the biggest adjustment there? Listen a lot and talk less. And you see it clashing quite a bit. We came and the same ship. I miss the beach and it sounds weird because were on a coast here, but our beaches are different and there isnt a beach culture here. But its all very tasty, very peppery, very flavored with different smoked fishes. Its like, you know, theres this Jamaican guy here, Audley Morris. Xavier: I can tell you this, when I was planning the trip there and for years, I keep hearing everybody seh (say), you know, Ghana feels like home. The culture doesnt define everyone there but can be found in many. So, in terms of attractions, come and see a market come and be in a market. Thank you for the opportunity. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. So, yes. Pride primarily plays out in CLASS structure in Jamaica. Missing you. Dem too soft and hypocritical. We are blunt and joke a lot. WebApparently, some Africans perceive Jamaicans as rude and think they give all Black folks a bad reputation. Toruk Makto (@BufbertBeefcake) March 8, 2020. Your ancestors must be bowing their heads in shame. They say the British hate hearing butchered American English. If you have Jamaicans in your life, cherish them. Therefore when those blunt comments or people do get some kind of blunt thing or criticism back, my god they do not take it well. The heavy tradition means also that gender roles are more traditional than Jamaican gender roles. So you have quite an experience then with, way down South and back up North? Even though I dont speak the local languages, the rhythm of the local languages resonates with me and I cant explain it. The Chieftaincy System keeps it very much alive. Their daily occurrences that remind you of how old this civilization is. Reprisal killings make up a significant portion of our murder rate in Jamaica. Went to go and report me to the bank manager. At noones fault of there own. Ruth: Another thing is, and where we run into this all the time is, if a plumber comes to the house and they say, Boy, you can fix this pipe? Yes, man. You have to be mean to make them know you not too too nice so they won't tek liberty. We dont have anything to compare with that in Jamaica. Because matrilineally, our kids belong to my family and not my husbands family. The other thing I like about Ghana is, well, theres so many things. They didnt need the new religion and they certainly didnt need to bake in the sun! Gotta Love Us. So, you can decide, which is the right pronunciation, but its more people calling it, plantain and plantain. We Jamaicans are, for the most part, open and accepting people. Whats the thing you like the least? And inevitably, they had met Jamaicans and whatever, but tradition got in the way of anything ever evolving because of their traditional gender roles. How Jamaican Men Say Thank You to another Jamaican How Jamaicans Greet You When They Have Not Seen You 20 English Words That Sound Better In Jamaican Patois. Jamaicans believe these lizards will stick to your skin leaving a pattern once they are pulled off. If youre LGBTQ then there is documented truth to Jamaican being hostile. So yes, weve done both. Youve seen attempts in Jamaica to have local music or local beats or indigenous beats re-introduce themselves into our music and our way of worship, but wi (we) nuh (dont) reach yet. I know thats bizarre for Americans and most other nationalities because America is a White Patriarchy. Im dying to get back. If youve never seen jokes about this in pop culture before, Ill start you off with this video. Flee from projections. Come again. The more bold and straightforward someone is the more they seem to be this way. Great time in Jamaica like home in a soup, in a certain direction perfectly clear I mean really... 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Heavy tradition means also that gender roles are more traditional than Jamaican gender roles are more than. That means that theres limited ability to challenge in the us, and how to it!